About Me

Hello There! 👋 and welcome to my portfolio!

I am a software engineer. I am excited to share with you my journey and experiences in this field.

As you browse through my portfolio, you will find examples of my work, some projects I have contributed to, and medium articles I have written. Thank you for taking the time to explore my portfolio. I am excited about the opportunity to collaborate on future projects.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss potential opportunities, please feel free to reach out to me.


Some of the things I've learned, and tools that I use:


I’ve learned this language while practicing some coding problems. I practiced what I’ve learned on some side project and during one of my internships.


I’ve learned this language in the university while studying Oriented object programming "OOP" ,handling exceptions ...I practiced what I’ve learned on small side project.


I’ve learned this language in the university while studying low-code concepts and algorithmics.I practiced what I’ve learned during one of my internships.

ONNX Runtime

I’ve worked with this tool while evaluating some pre-trained models through the inference.


I’ve worked with this tool on my side projects to build and train some models. You can find list of the projects in the projects section

Hugging Face

I used Huggin Face during one of my internships to get some ML models by using the Hugging Face Model Hub.


I've learned about this framework during my studies, and I tried to practice it while working on some side project.

Spring Boot

I've used this framework during my summer internship in 2021 and on a side project before.


I often use a relational database management system to manage its data. I’m most familiar with MySql and PostgreSQL.


I've learned about this framework during my studies, and I worked with it during one of me internships, and while developping some side project.


I used to develop web applications using JavaScript, Html, CSS as well as Bootstrap.

My Resume

  • Work Experience

  • Research & Development Software Engineer

    Banque Populaire Foundation for Micro-Credit | Present
  • Web Developer

    Freelance | Feb 2023 - Sep 2024
  • Research Assistant

    Oracle Labs | Apr 2022 - Sep 2022

    Full time internship at Oracle Labs as a Research Assistant within the ML-in-Database team.

  • Full-stack Web Developer Intern

    Capgemini Engineering | Sep 2021 - Nov 2021

    Full time internship at Capgemini Engineering within the DMA team.
    - Built with the team an e-learning web app for the company.

  • Software Development Intern

    Digital Team Services | Oct 2019 - Jan 2020

    Worked on a web application for school transport management and some features that allow it to automatically plan routes and detailed indicators for the transport tracking system.

  • Education

  • Engineer's Degree - Computer Science and Networks Engineering

    Moroccan School of Engineer Sciences, EMSI
  • Bachelor of Science (B.S.) - Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

    Hassan 2 University of Casablanca, Faculty of Sciences Ain Chock

  • Extracurricular

  • Global Ambassador

    WomenTech Network | June 2020 - October 2022

    On a mission to unite more than 100 000 women in tech, WomenTech Network empowers women in tech through networking, leadership development, career growth & mentorship opportunities.
    👉 Join the WomenTech Network Community.

  • Audit Team Member

    Enactus UH2C | September 2017 - July 2018

    Enactus is a network of leaders committed to using business as a catalyst for positive social and environmental impact.
    👉 Learn more about it .

Recent Work

Some of the projects I've worked on ...


This project is about implementing a Blockchain from sractch using C as programming language as part of the "Blockchain Training Program" organized by Holberton School.

Tools: Vagrant - Git - Linux - VirtualBox


This project is about implementing and training a Neural Network Model to Classify images of clothing" using the Fashion MNIST dataset.

Tools: Python - TensorFlow - Keras - Jupyter Notebook

Cinema Management System

This project is about developping a Web application that allows cinemas and movies management (Frontend + Backend).

Tools: Java - Spring - Spring Data - Spring Security - Angular

Products Management System

This project represents the implementation of a distributed application for Products Management based on Micro-services architecture using Spring Cloud.

Tools: Java - Spring cloud - IntelliJ IDEA


This project is on fine-tuning a Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding (BERT) model for text classification with TensorFlow.

Tools: Python - TensorFlow - Keras - TensorFlow Hub


The project is about generating new recipes, the recipes are split into ingredients and instructions. We will be finetuning a distilled version of GPT-2 on a smaller-scale dataset comprising recipes.

Tools: Python- Hugging Face - Jupyter Notebook

Music Recommender System

The project is about implementing an ALS Model for Music Recommender System Using Pyspark.

Tools: Python - Jupyter Notebook - Pyspark

Personalized Voice Assistant

The project is about implementing a Personalized Voice Assistant using GPT-3.

Tools: Python - GPT-3 - Whisper API

PDF Summarization application

The project is about implementing a PDF Summarization Application using LLM .

Tools: Python - langchain - streamlit - Lamini-Flan-T5 model - Hugging Face

Post on Medium

I find immense joy in crafting articles on Medium, allowing me to share my passions and knowledge with a wider audience.
Feel free to visit it 🤗

Contact Me

Thank you for visiting my portfolio 🙏, If you're interested in working together, feel free to contact me